Wednesday, February 24, 2010

HW 41

Kelly, Melissa. "Violence in Schools." Guide 1. Web. 24 Feb 2010. .

This article was about the violence that takes place in schools. It consisted of a list of statistics about the danger that is present in schools and how common it is.
This article is useful if interested in school safety at schools. Who's to blame for school violence? and how do you prevent it? What measures need to be taken.

Crowley, Michael. "Outrageous! "A" Is for Average." Reader's Digest 1.1 (2004): 1. Web. 24 Feb 2010. .

This article was about rewarding students for their excellency in school. Also how it is effecting those who aren't rewarded and how it causes competition between them. This article is helpful if interested in the competitive side of school. The students vs. students, students making their parents proud and students winning the favor of their teachers in order to succeed in school. Is the competition good or bad?

Clayton, Victoria. "School debate: public vs. private." msnbc 1.1 (2010): 2. Web. 24 Feb 2010. .

This article was about public schools vs. private schools and what to consider when picking which one to go to. This article deals with the different factors of the public school system and the private school system.

"School Shootings and School Violence." Enyclopedia (2008): 1. Web. 3 Mar 2010. .

This article was about the history of violence in schools and how long it has been occurring for. Dating all the way back to the 17th century to today and how it has changed over the years. The struggle between the the students vs. authority in school. What roles are played in school to contribute to the violence. What is being done to instill discipline in the schools.

" Bad school experiences affect juvenile delinquency." China Daily 1. (2004): 1. Web. 3 Mar 2010.

This article was about how bad school experiences and bad grades affected some students life outside of school. From being at home with how they are treated by there parents for not excelling at school to being social outcasts and treated badly by other students in school. Which made them turn more to crime because of the way they felt about school and turned them into delinquents.

Additional Works Consulted

GLG Expert Contributor, . "Finishing schools are grooming students for better life." manjitkauracademician September 27 ,2009: 1. Web. 24 Feb 2010.

Tamanini, Kara. "How Do We Stop Bullying in Schools?." psychcentral 1.1 (2009): 1. Web. 24 Feb 2010. .

PEDIATRICS, . "Out-of-School Suspension and Expulsion." AAP Policy (2008): 1206-1209. Web. 3 Mar 2010.

Holguin , Jamie. "School Suspensions: Do They Work?." CBS Broadcasting 1. (2004): 1. Web. 3 Mar 2010.

Part B
I think I'm going to focus my paper on some aspect of the way schools are run/function. In particular looking at school safety and how it's a form of school discipline. The students point of view and how they see school as a prison and feel controlled by the teachers. As well as looking at the teachers point of view.
School discipline is important because it maintains order and safety but do some schools take it too far? Taking a look at how disciplinary measures affect the students, teachers and the school as a whole. This also relates to the struggle of power in schools.

Monday, February 15, 2010

HW 40


Do you like school?

Cousin ( 6 years old): " Yes, school is fun! I have a lot of friends and my teacher is really nice."

Friend 1:" Yes! I enjoy school because I go to an alternative school where I don't feel like I'm in a prison, I don't feel like I'm less than my teachers, we are all on the same page. My classes are discussion based and our subject matters are more complex than regular schools. I like all of my classes. For example toy design ,Shakespeare goes to the movies, dance dance revolution. Seriously my school is soo awesome!

Friend 2:" Yeah because we don't have grades, it all depends on the students work ethic and all of my classes are integrated and diverse. We are exposed to so many different people."

Kid (12 years old): "Yea I guess, it depends on the day and how much homework I get."

Is school more important than your social life?

Friend 1: "It's sort of a trick question b/c I feel like part of school is learning how to be social. Neither one trumps the other. Part of being smart is learning how to deal with people, both are equally important. At my school we have an hour lunch and 2 breaks each day where people socialize with each other."

Have you ever considered home schooling?

Friend: "Yes I have because I was basically told I was unwelcome at a previous school and then I decided to consider my options and homeschooling was definitely one of them.

Friend 3: "Yeah because when I first came to my school I hated it and was afraid to go to another school. It's always a fantasy - why can't I be home schooled?"

If you could substitute a subject in school with something you're interested in what would it be?

Friend 1:" I wouldn't have to do that because all of my classes are so unique and interesting compared to other schools. There is something offered for everyone at my school. Ex. scrap booking, acting class, whose line is it anyways, human diseases, poetry, dance class, kickboxing, film class, sketch book art, photography class, American film and pop culture , cooking class, just to name a few.

Friend 2:" I would substitute math b/c I feel like I'm not going to use what I learn in math now , later on in life. I feel I know enough about math (the basics) so I'd rather do art because it's something I really enjoy doing and am passionate about. I wouldn't get annoyed learning about it."

Part B:
School should be a place where learning is made interesting and and inspires the students thinking. Where students should actually enjoy what they are being taught. Where they don't feel like the are less than their teachers or are in a prison where they are being taught to believe and accept whatever is being drilled into their heads. Also that grades don't necessarily determine how much a student knows/learned. Grades shouldn't determine a students success in school.

Monday, February 8, 2010

HW 39

Part A :Questions about School
1. Why do we have to go to school for so many years?
2. Why can't we decide what we want to learn in school? Who gets to make the decisions?
3. Why don't we learn anything useful?

1. I don't feel like students actually really learn what they are being taught.
2. We don't really learn anything useful in school that will help us later on in life.
3. School becomes repetitious.

1.School is where you meet some of your friends and create long lasting relationships with people.
2.You learn some disciple and how to respect authority figures while in school
3.School teaches you how to be social and interact with others

Part B:
Schools are put in place to help us learn though school isn't going to be a good learning experience if isn't enjoyable. It depends on the schools environment,teachers, friends and curriculum if school is going to be a good experience. Going to school for so many years is a waste of time when we could spend that time doing other things with our life. People don't really want to go to school or like it for that matter they just attend because it determines their success in the real world.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

HW 38



Director: Larche .G
"Cool Chicks": Bryanna. W & Jessica .C
"Cool sidekick": Yasmin. J
Instigators: Michelle .G & Yurelis . R

This art project was a collaborative effort (people listed above). Our video was about how gossip can spread from one person to another and create problems. Also how the "Cool chick " wanted to be a youtube celebrity which is why she had her friend video the fight which causes all the attention to be on her. Which draws everyone in to watch and see what's going on. It becomes entertaining- "Who's gonna win?" and people start to get involved and egg on the situation.

1. Insights from watching this video is being cool means getting attention from others. Also no one want to be played in a situation or look stupid, so they try to turn the situation around so they come out looking cool in the end. Getting validation and approval from others by all means necessary.

2. I was the director of this video and it was my job to capture the "cool" scene that we created. Everyone had a specific role in putting this video together. We rehearsed the scene a couple of times before deciding which video we would select to be shown.

3. I think that art is cool because it's a creative outlet for people to express there ideas and thoughts. It's a way for statements to be made and messages to get across to people in a creative way.