Monday, April 12, 2010

HW # 48


A teacher changes how a class full of delinquents view themselves in life. The students the teacher has to deal with and teach are students who associate themselves with gang violence , drug dealing ,etc. It's the teacher's first day on the job teaching in a new school. He walks into a class full of rowdy students who are fooling around and acting like school is a playground. The students don't acknowledge him or care what he has to say. the teacher realizes he has a long school year ahead of him. He makes the decision that he is going to motivate the students to be better. He plans on teaching them that they can escape their current situations if they just apply themselves in school.

The students at first just think the teacher is like all the other teachers they have had in the past. Who don't really care about them but are just in it for the paycheck. The teacher however, tries to relate to the students by telling them his story. He captures their attention. The teacher lets them know that he came from the same background and neighborhood just like the one they live in but he escaped. He lets them know that he left his neighborhood and all his friends behind to make something out of himself.

The teacher motivates the students by switching up his curriculum. He makes home visits to the students homes to get their parents involved. The teacher improves the students grades and focus in class. Students begin to like the teacher and find themselves relating to him. The teacher inspires them to want to do better and escape their troubled lives.

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