Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Hw 34

Cool is defined by popular culture which causes individuals to identify with what is defined by the masses to be in the "in crowd". The lines of race have been blurred with "cool". Nowadays white kids want to wear baggy jeans and listen to rap music because that is what is being put out by the rappers as cool. Another example is the skateboarding culture, before it used to be a "white thing" now it's evident in both white and black youth.

I think that "cool" is more of a middle and lower class mentality. I don't see rich people caring about being cool as much as they do about their careers, money , being smart or having the best opportunities. Cool is more of a concern to the middle and lower classes. For example in the show The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, Carlton whose rich and aspires to attend an Ivy League or so called "white school",and who is on his way to getting a good job would be considered uncool. Whereas his cousin Will who comes from a "ghetto" neighborhood, is "fresh", talks slang and has no interest in his academics is the cooler one.

I think that this type of mentality definitely relates to certain classes and races and their socioeconomic backgrounds. These factors end up having effects on culture and people's perceptions of it. I think it depends on the situation that the individual is in rather than the individual.

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