Thursday, January 21, 2010

HW 36

It sounds like your saying that we are constantly being watched and that we can't escape the pressure to be cool. Cool is taking over our lives, all we are focused on is being "cool".

No one is truly original because everything around us influences us in some way or another. We are always trying to set up the situations we are in so that we make ourselves look good or cool. Cool gives us the attention we crave. We try to get people to recognize us. Which makes us feel special in return. We become obsessed with presenting ourselves to our audience, whether it be real or fake.


Your saying that we create different identities for ourselves that aren't original but come from other sources.

We are constantly performing these roles that are shaped by many different things in our lives. So we aren't ever truly ourselves. But are trying to impress others and live up to our audiences expectations of cool all the time. We have many different identities and we get to pick which ones we want to play on a daily basis. With whichever group of people we want to get the approval of.

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