Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Hw 31

When I asked a friend do you ever pretend to be someone your not?
They replied :I don't care about being cool. Don't feel pressure by people to act to different. I choose what I want to follow and what click to be in. Everything that i am is just natural to me. I am me and that's it. I do things not because I'm striving to to be different it's because I like it. I set my own standards.

You have a tattoo, isn't that costuming/ adorning the self?
I guess I do adorn... but my tattoo explains apart of my upbringing and culture. It has personal significance to me. It's very personal not in a place that it is shown off. It's not in any "sexy" place. It's on my back and if I want someone to see it then that's sharing a part of me to that someone.

I think we are all guilty of trying to aggrandize and costume/mask ourselves because we want to feel like we matter even though some claim not to. We are guilty in some way or another. I sometimes feel like I need too dress to impress to get the approval of others or change my personality up a bit in order to fit in with a certain group.

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