Tuesday, May 11, 2010

hw 55

Possible Question: Does birth order in a family matter? What are the effects that siblings have on each other?


I think your question is interesting and you could focus it in any direction. You will also be able to find quit a lot of research to help you answer it. A suggestion for you would be to do some specific research on what "other" people do people try to get the approval of if it's not their family members.


I like your questions so far, I just think you need choose one and make it even more specific like maybe "Why do people hurt the people they love? " something like that. I think you have an interesting topic.

Boyse, Kyla. "Sibling Rivalry." University of Michigan Health System (2009): 1. Web. 13 May 2010. .

This article was on sibling rivalry, which according to the article is the cause of birth order. How siblings has effect our personalities and behaviors. That siblings start fighting and competing for attention in the family once a new sibling comes along. This is useful in answering my question because it shows how much of an effect our siblings have on us and the place we have in our families. How each child wants attention from their parents and feel like they have to compete with the others in their families in order to get it. It was also helpful in giving some tips on how to improve these relationships.

"Middle Child Syndrome ." iloveindia.com 1. Web. 13 May 2010. .
This article was on something called "the middle child syndrome".

This is something that the middle child in the family experiences according to the article. Being the second born child cause them to have certain certain behaviors and characteristics that has an effect on the child's sense of belonging in the family. This article will be helpful because it gives an insight into how birth order effects the children in the family and their sense of belonging.

Kluger, Jeffrey. "The Power of Birth Order." TIME (2007): n. pag. Web. 13 May 2010. .

This article was more specifically focused on the effects birth order has on
a child's personality. The "power" birth order has over the family. This article is helpful to my research because it provides insight on how our families and siblings shape who we are and our behaviors and habits. How birth order has an effect on the type of individuals people are and turn out to be.

Kluger, Jeffrey. "The New Science of Siblings." TIME (2006): n. pag. Web. 13 May 2010. .

This article was on the relationships siblings have with each other. The way siblings interact with bone another and shape each other. This will be helpful because is shows how siblings have positive and negative effects on each others lives and roles in the family. How the parents interact with each child and how the family functions or how they are changed.

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