Thursday, October 8, 2009


Since I don't go outside sometimes because I'm always inside, either on the computer for hours, watching TV or on my phone. I decided to give it a break for an entire day and voluntarily decided to spend the day digital free. It was hard to do. I'm so used having my phone with me (which I left at home) so I wouldn't be tempted to use it. I was also worried at the same time (almost paranoid) in a sense because I thought to myself- what if something happened to me? Then I wouldn't have my phone to contact anyone with. I gave up watching TV for an entire day. Talk about missing your favorite shows. But the most difficult one to give up was my laptop (my life) not being able to go online to check my email's and do all the other stuff I do online, sucked. Instead I decided to actually go outside. I went to the park with a couple of friends for a nice stroll, then I ate some "real" food instead of the usual crap I snack on because I'm always online. The rest of the day actually turned out to be fun because it felt better to actually converse with my friends in person and I found that being with them was are actually more entertaining. At the end of the day I was proud of myself because I actually survived a day without doing anything digital.

1 comment:

  1. Larche,

    I liked how you went into detail about the experiment with your phone and how you left it home. I have never left my phone home so I cant imagine what it would be like without it. Although I wonder sometimes just like you, what if I didn't have it? How would I keep in touch with my family or what would I do in an emergency? To connect this, what came to mind is how Andy doesn't have a "phone" (LOL) makes me wonder how does he manage? I think you should have expanded on the post that you wrote how we need to resist our feed before its to late because its just making us lazy and stupid. Overall great posts! :D
