Wednesday, September 30, 2009

HW 8

Hey Yasmin,
I liked that you decided to do something different! It was an interesting piece of technology you chose to film yourself using. I have to agree with you, using the sewing machine instead of playing a video game or texting like I did is a lot more productive. I think that all this technology we use on a daily basis doesn't really benefit us. It just makes us lazy. For example with the Wii why can't we just go out and do some actual work outs instead of pretending like we are with the wii.I think that you should have added the video of you playing the video game.I would have liked to have seen it. I like zombies. Your video makes me consider how unproductive all the technology I use is. Now I'm sad.

Nice video. Good thoughts.


I liked your video, It seemed like you were really into what you were doing-reading and listening to your ipod. I sometimes do that to. It was like you were in three places at once. You were lost in your book, while into your music , and then into the conversation you were having on your phone. Sometimes it can be hard to juggle all three or just focus on one.I have to agree that no being able to express ourselves through words was hard. But I think that one of the points of this assignment was to express how we communicate digitally and I think you really showed that in your video. The question you asked " what would happen if I didn't have a cell phone or an ipod then what?" really made me think because that was what my video was about. I probably would I have been forced to do something more productive. I think that if we all gave up our digital equipment we could be doing more to stimulate our minds, like reading. You had good insights overall.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Q & A

When I asked the questions " How many hours do you think people should spend online, watching TV...etc? and "How important is digital media/technology in your life and why?

These where the responses:

Brother: "It's really important to me because I get to film and upload my skateboarding videos and watch other friends and people's videos online, I also go online for video game tips and instructions. Instead of asking someone how to do something or make something I can just Google it or youtube it. My friends and I also get to play games online together (Xbox live). The digital media/technology helps me communicate with people and it's easy to get information on something. It keeps me entertained."


A mom: " About 1 1/2 hours. My children are really into it. Digital media and technology is really important to my children. For me it's not that important. My son is really into technology, he wants to do something involving that as a career."

A man sitting at a table near the park: "Technology and digital media is not that important to me. I'd rather be sitting at the park. Socializing with people is more important, all that other stuff like TV, being online-no."

Best friend: " It's extremely important ! I can't go anywhere without my ipod and cell phone. I use technology to find out what I'm what I'm going to wear in the mornings, by checking the weather on TV or on my laptop. Unlike my parents generation instead of going to the park or to be outdoors when I'm bored I watch TV."

Thursday, September 17, 2009

HW 4 - Triangular Comments 1


I liked how short and sweet your post was, it got straight to the point. We definitely have become addicted to technology and way too dependent on it to get us through our days. I feel like instead of wasting our time like you mentioned we could be doing things that actually help stimulate our minds and bodies. For example we could be doing less digital stuff and more athletic stuff or we could read more. I feel like you could definitely elaborate more on our dependence on technology. Why does it matter so much to us? You made me think about the amount of time I spend wasting on technology everyday.

Thanks for that.


I liked how you connected the topic of the dependency on technology to your own life. Your right about the fact that technology is constantly in use daily, we rely on it to keep us going. It's almost like we can't escape it. If it isn't our cell phones, then it's the internet, if not the internet then the TV-sometimes all at once. Technology seems to be more important to many because it keeps you connected and up to date. This connects back to people's dependency on it to function. Maybe you could elaborate more on the negative effects of our dependency on technology. Your post made me think about the negative and positive effects of technology on my daily life.

You had a really interesting post.

I liked your post and how you wrote about your daily usage of your blackberry or "crackberry" as you referred to it. I liked how you brought up the question "Where would we be without all this technology?" I think that this is a really important question to consider. Maybe you could write your answer to this question in a future post. While reading your post you made me consider how different and more advanced technology has become over the years and how reliable this generation is on technology. We could be so doing so much more with our time if we cut down on our usage of technology. Technology is taking over our lives and if we don't do something about it now it might be even harder to change our habits in the future.

Nice Post.

Monday, September 14, 2009


I think that the digital world is such an important part of our generations social life. It's how we communicate ( aim, email, facebook, myspace,...etc) and find out information. The internet is a source of instant information. Communicating and connecting with each other this way has become part of our daily lives. I do think that there is something addictive about the digital/ technology world. It's an addiction that can be very hard to shake since it has become a way of life for us. I want to know why have we become so dependent on technology? What appeals to us about all things digital?

Life has become so easy with all the technology we have out now. I don't think you ever have to leave your house unless you wanted to. I mean thanks to the internet you are able to shop online, order food, chat to people overseas, work from home, take online courses, pay your bills...etc. The possibilities are endless. People use the internet for a myriad of reasons. Surprisingly you're also able to find a mate/spouse online thanks to all the dating sites such as or eHarmony that are available. Let me also mention that you can become famous overnight on the internet, due to the exposure it provides you and the millions of people it can connect you with.

Though I also feel like the internet and other forms of technology can be used for malicious and negative purposes. For example spreading gossip or threatening someone. The internet can also be used to prey on children or as a form of stalking. Technology also has a negative impact on people's social skills. I'm talking about the lack of contact with people. Less face to face conversations are taking place. Why even bother? when they can just instant message ,email you or even call you. The internet for many is also used as an escape from reality and you can become whoever you want while on it.