Saturday, September 26, 2009



  1. It felt like the longest 2 minutes of my life!
    Which makes me think and wonder of all the time I spend texting and listening to my ipod everyday. I look so engrossed in what I'm doing. I text my friends and listen to my ipod on a daily basis. It's like my escape from reality. While texting and listening to my ipod was entertaining to me, at the same time for someone watching me it might seem like I'm kind of being hypnotized by the objects in front of me.

    I would not want my kids to spend as much time as I do on technology. It's not healthy and It's a huge waste of time ,if you add up all the hours you spend on technology everyday.

  2. Larche,

    It looked like or felt like the longest 2 minutes of your life?

    Seemed excellent "keep the kids quiet" technology.

  3. Larche,
    Your video was cool! You showed how you use your technology such as your ipod and phone. While watching this video I was noticing the faces you were making which showed how you were intrigued by the gadgets. I agree with the point you made saying that you wouldn't want your children using technology as often as we do. You stated that it is unhealthy and is a waste of time. I started to think about the children who are overweight from not getting enough exercises because of distractions such as video games. In your video maybe you could have showed us what you were doing. It would gave us an idea of what is going on. In general good video.

  4. Dear Larche,
    I am soooo sorry this post took forever to put up. While posting this, my computer crashed and I had forgotten the comment never sent >< I’m sorry I jeopardized you completing your own homework because I was careless >< But about your video, I liked how honest you were about it. Instead of making a bunch of excuses, you admit you use both your ipod and phone a lot and that for you it's a little escape from reality. I like that you didn't BS your response :P I think one of the main things about your video and something I also noticed about mine is how people get so into technology! When you said "While texting and listening to my ipod was entertaining to me, at the same time for someone watching me it might seem like I'm kind of being hypnotized by the objects in front of me." I just thought Wow! Thats exactly what I was trying to say. I had said zombified but hypnotized describes it way better since your eyes get glued to the screen your focused on. Your video made me think a lot about how a lot of my day is music and phone too. My phone isn't really an escape from reality to me but music is. I usually blast music from my speakers while I do anything boring like homework or cleaning my room because it just makes things a lot easier! Something I notice that my friend and I do is that we both sometimes picture our selves in a music video for the song we are listening too which is a total escape from the real world. Loved your post can't wait to read the next!
