Wednesday, September 30, 2009

HW 8

Hey Yasmin,
I liked that you decided to do something different! It was an interesting piece of technology you chose to film yourself using. I have to agree with you, using the sewing machine instead of playing a video game or texting like I did is a lot more productive. I think that all this technology we use on a daily basis doesn't really benefit us. It just makes us lazy. For example with the Wii why can't we just go out and do some actual work outs instead of pretending like we are with the wii.I think that you should have added the video of you playing the video game.I would have liked to have seen it. I like zombies. Your video makes me consider how unproductive all the technology I use is. Now I'm sad.

Nice video. Good thoughts.


I liked your video, It seemed like you were really into what you were doing-reading and listening to your ipod. I sometimes do that to. It was like you were in three places at once. You were lost in your book, while into your music , and then into the conversation you were having on your phone. Sometimes it can be hard to juggle all three or just focus on one.I have to agree that no being able to express ourselves through words was hard. But I think that one of the points of this assignment was to express how we communicate digitally and I think you really showed that in your video. The question you asked " what would happen if I didn't have a cell phone or an ipod then what?" really made me think because that was what my video was about. I probably would I have been forced to do something more productive. I think that if we all gave up our digital equipment we could be doing more to stimulate our minds, like reading. You had good insights overall.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Larche
    Haha, yes zombies are entertaining :P first off thank you for all the lovely comments! I like how you actually made me laugh and the comment wasn't just following the abcdef format thing, I know mine sounds like that >< Yea I agree, I should have posted that video it would have fit the project better. And don't feel sad your video was a great example for this project! There was so much to say about yours! What you said about the wii was exactly what I was thinking. People should stop pretending their really working out, my wii fit just makes you do a bunch of stretches and hoping around which isn't much exercise. I basically feel we had the same thoughts in both our posts. We all use unproductive technology and your right It is making us lazy. I use my phone to check the time all the time! Just last week in class I was signing out to the bathroom and I checked my phone for the time and the teacher said why cant you use the class clock? I hadn't even noticed we had one because I use my phone all the time, and the even sadder part is that when I turned to read the clock I couldn't remember how for a split second. It was a personal moment of embarrassment :/ I think something we can both think about it what other parts of our lives do technology make lazy or lazier? Thanks again for the great comment hope you enjoyed mine :)
