Monday, September 14, 2009


I think that the digital world is such an important part of our generations social life. It's how we communicate ( aim, email, facebook, myspace,...etc) and find out information. The internet is a source of instant information. Communicating and connecting with each other this way has become part of our daily lives. I do think that there is something addictive about the digital/ technology world. It's an addiction that can be very hard to shake since it has become a way of life for us. I want to know why have we become so dependent on technology? What appeals to us about all things digital?

Life has become so easy with all the technology we have out now. I don't think you ever have to leave your house unless you wanted to. I mean thanks to the internet you are able to shop online, order food, chat to people overseas, work from home, take online courses, pay your bills...etc. The possibilities are endless. People use the internet for a myriad of reasons. Surprisingly you're also able to find a mate/spouse online thanks to all the dating sites such as or eHarmony that are available. Let me also mention that you can become famous overnight on the internet, due to the exposure it provides you and the millions of people it can connect you with.

Though I also feel like the internet and other forms of technology can be used for malicious and negative purposes. For example spreading gossip or threatening someone. The internet can also be used to prey on children or as a form of stalking. Technology also has a negative impact on people's social skills. I'm talking about the lack of contact with people. Less face to face conversations are taking place. Why even bother? when they can just instant message ,email you or even call you. The internet for many is also used as an escape from reality and you can become whoever you want while on it.


  1. Larche,

    I like how you explained the positives and negatives of technogly. You wrote about how we can communitcate with family far away but there are negatives like stalkers. This also made me think about how people follow celebrities through magazine sites or even twitter. This makes me think about my own life and how it would be best if I learned how to do without certain things or don't use it to the extent i do so I am not apart this tech-savy group.

    Nice thoughts!
    -blackberry fein :)

  2. Larche G,

    Hey! While reading your first post you grasped many ideas that I tried to convey in my own post. You addressed different aspects of the technical world, some were negative and some were positive. One part that really stuck out to me was where u said " I mean thanks to the internet you are able to shop online, order
    food, chat to people overseas, work from home, take online courses, pay your bills...etc. The possibilities are endless." This sentence really painted a picture of everything that I do using the internet, and it was helpful for me to understand your views on the topic because it allowed me to make a connection to
    my personal life. Your language in the last sentence "The possibilities are endless" also made laugh somewhat because it gave me a vision of an AD that could be shown on tv to get people to buy the electronics.(Which was pretty cool) such as on the commercials where the person talking is like "come on down
    to the electronic store...where the possibilities are endless!) LOL.

    I really appreciated the fact that you asked the reader's questions such as " I want to know why have we become so dependent on technology? What appeals to us about all things digital?" This allowed me to actually think about what you were saying rather than just skimming through it to get my homework done.

    Reading your post really allowed me to connect my own ideas to someone else's - One thing that might have made me connect somewhat better would be if you included a few personal examples or actual examples of someone you know that is addicted to the things you discuss such as facebook, myspace etc.

    A question that your post made me think of was whether or not you live the life that you spoke about? Such as going on the internet very frequently, letting it take over your life, and overall are you sucked into the life of technology.

    Overall your blog was a great read..keep up the good work!

  3. Dear Sammie,

    Do you mind If I call you that? Your sitting right next to me as I write this. Weird. Anyway, I appreciate that you thought I had some nice thoughts. I'm also really glad that my post got you thinking about your life. Your post did the same for me. I also find myself thinking about all the other activities I could be doing if I wasn't consumed by my time spent online or doing other things technology wise, just like you. You never really know, maybe it could do us some good getting away from or letting go of our addictions.

    "Accidentally" loose your blackberry or something. :)

  4. Dear Kiana,

    Your comment really made me feel like you took the time and effort to read my post and write to me about it. Thanks for quoting me. You made me feel like you really understood what I was trying to say. I liked that my words helped paint a picture for you.

    I pretty much do almost everything online. Except for a couple of things like ordering food. Maybe I should try it- it could be fast delivery.

    I love that the part about "The possibilities are endless" made you think about it being a commercial. Now that you mention it, I can totally picture the commercial in my head. It does make me laugh too.

    I think that you and I can also make connections on the effect technology has on our personal lives. I do go on the internet almost everyday, even if it's just for 5 minutes- it's like a habit. Though I do try to limit the amount I spend online so that it's not all I do.

  5. LarcheYour ideas were spread out well and even. I love how you had so much to say, but kept it short instead of rambling on and on about something. It made your entry very enjoyable to read! You also managed to cover basically everything the internet offers. It really made me think about how I could have added on to my own post because I had only focused on one issue with technology, when you had shown many sides of it. I also like how you included both negative and positive issues about the internet like you can use the internet for communication and even to become a celebrity, but It could also cause a decrease in face to face interaction and even start an addiction. One thing I would have liked to see was maybe another small paragraph on why you think the technology can be malicious. I think you can make a lot more interesting and entertaining thoughts about your last statement ("The internet for many is also used as an escape from reality and you can become whoever you want while on it.") keep up the good work!
    -Sorry I had only posted this on my own blog

  6. Yasmin,

    I'm glad that you found my post easy to read because I don't like rabbling. I glad that you found my post helpful for you post. I think you got what I was saying in my post where I tried to talk about the positive and negative effect of technology. I think we both agree that it's addictive and there is a lot of other things we could be doing with our time in instead of wasting it away online.
