Thursday, September 17, 2009

HW 4 - Triangular Comments 1


I liked how short and sweet your post was, it got straight to the point. We definitely have become addicted to technology and way too dependent on it to get us through our days. I feel like instead of wasting our time like you mentioned we could be doing things that actually help stimulate our minds and bodies. For example we could be doing less digital stuff and more athletic stuff or we could read more. I feel like you could definitely elaborate more on our dependence on technology. Why does it matter so much to us? You made me think about the amount of time I spend wasting on technology everyday.

Thanks for that.


I liked how you connected the topic of the dependency on technology to your own life. Your right about the fact that technology is constantly in use daily, we rely on it to keep us going. It's almost like we can't escape it. If it isn't our cell phones, then it's the internet, if not the internet then the TV-sometimes all at once. Technology seems to be more important to many because it keeps you connected and up to date. This connects back to people's dependency on it to function. Maybe you could elaborate more on the negative effects of our dependency on technology. Your post made me think about the negative and positive effects of technology on my daily life.

You had a really interesting post.

I liked your post and how you wrote about your daily usage of your blackberry or "crackberry" as you referred to it. I liked how you brought up the question "Where would we be without all this technology?" I think that this is a really important question to consider. Maybe you could write your answer to this question in a future post. While reading your post you made me consider how different and more advanced technology has become over the years and how reliable this generation is on technology. We could be so doing so much more with our time if we cut down on our usage of technology. Technology is taking over our lives and if we don't do something about it now it might be even harder to change our habits in the future.

Nice Post.

1 comment:

  1. Larche,
    I like how you really elaborated on my post. Your comments were the most helpful ones that I got because they really made me think about how I could have added more to my post about the issues of technology. Also, your constructive criticism on my piece helped me realize I could have put a lot more into my own post like how you had mentioned the lack of physical activity technology brings upon us. I had only been focusing on one of the issues when you had tackled many of them and had talked about us as a community when I had only been talking about myself. I feel that technology can be so addictive to the point were we can actually become unhealthy because of lack of exercise. When you mentioned on your blog that technology keeps people from basically going outside because they can use the internet for almost anything, I began to question what the future holds for us. Something your blog really had me think about is that we have way to many opportunities on the internet and what kind of effect it will have on us in the future which leads me to believe that we both might question what kind of opportunities will the internet have for us in the future? Since it is already so advanced, is it even possible there will be any major improvements? Thanks for the great comments and advice!

    I know this isn't in the right place sorry I mixed up all the comments ><
