Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Q & A

When I asked the questions " How many hours do you think people should spend online, watching TV...etc? and "How important is digital media/technology in your life and why?

These where the responses:

Brother: "It's really important to me because I get to film and upload my skateboarding videos and watch other friends and people's videos online, I also go online for video game tips and instructions. Instead of asking someone how to do something or make something I can just Google it or youtube it. My friends and I also get to play games online together (Xbox live). The digital media/technology helps me communicate with people and it's easy to get information on something. It keeps me entertained."


A mom: " About 1 1/2 hours. My children are really into it. Digital media and technology is really important to my children. For me it's not that important. My son is really into technology, he wants to do something involving that as a career."

A man sitting at a table near the park: "Technology and digital media is not that important to me. I'd rather be sitting at the park. Socializing with people is more important, all that other stuff like TV, being online-no."

Best friend: " It's extremely important ! I can't go anywhere without my ipod and cell phone. I use technology to find out what I'm what I'm going to wear in the mornings, by checking the weather on TV or on my laptop. Unlike my parents generation instead of going to the park or to be outdoors when I'm bored I watch TV."

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