Monday, November 23, 2009

Hw 25


I liked how your story demonstrated how Eric's perception of what "cool" was changed and it showed in his actions . In the end he realized that being "cool" maybe wasn't what he wanted.


I enjoyed reading your story. It sounds like the "cool" kid didn't even know he was cool. It was more of how the others around him viewed him. He was more about doing his own thing than paying attention to others or what they thought.


I liked your story, I agree the name of your character is funny. Your story was very straightforward about how this kid wanted to be accepted by his social group but that meant that he had to alter a little bit of himself in order to fit in with them.


I like how in the end everyone wanted to be like Harmony because in their minds she was seen as "cool". Her rebellion made her seem like she was cool because no one else had the guts to do what she did. She was seen as different.


I thought your story was great! and really well written. The characters in the book clearly have different views of what it means to be cool. It showed that being cool might not mean anything. That all that being cool gets you is lost and confused when it comes to knowing who you and what you want out of life .

After reading the five stories above I noticed that most of the characters wanted to be socially accepted by others. They all wanted to fit in. In Sam's story the main character switched up his style. In Amber and Michelle's story the characters were kind of seen as rebellious and all about doing their own thing.I also noticed in Brandon and Matt's stories their characters views on what is cool or being cool changed in the end because they realized that maybe that's not what they wanted anymore or it wasn't going to benefit them in a good way. In each story the definition of "cool" was different.

I liked how some of the stories expressed how maybe being "cool" isn't so cool after all. How having the hottest clothes, lots of friends, or having and doing other things that would qualify you as being cool isn't so cool after all. Because being cool isn't everything it comes down to the person's character (Brandon's story)and finding out who you really are (Matt's story).

Thursday, November 19, 2009

HW 24

Walking down the halls on another typical boring day of school. She was stopped by her assistant principle to help out a new student who just arrived that morning. She was pretty bummed that she had to be a tour guide but when this student stepped out of the office her eyes widened. She was like no other student who went to the school. This new girl was so different and seemed so intriguing. She looked like she just stepped out of a magazine with her appealing looks.

As she walked down the halls to show the "new" girl around, whispers were all they could hear and eyes were all they could see. Everyone stopped what they were doing to get a good look at the "new" girl. The look on the new girls face was as if she were used to this type of reaction from people. She had on the trendiest clothes. Girls began to take mental notes of what she was wearing. The guys were going gaga over her. From head to toe she stunned everyone. As she made her way down the halls, she listened to the whispers- " Look at what she's wearing, it's crazy but I like it!,"Wow,sunglasses and purple hair " "Usually no one would wear something like that but she pulls it off so well!",

As she looked around the classroom the next day she realized that everyone was wearing a replica of the sunglasses she had on the day before. She smiled to her self because that's exactly what she wanted. Until the door of the classroom swung open. In walked a kid named Sebastian, the loud class suddenly became quite as multiple hands reached toward there faces pulling the sunglasses off their faces. The "new" girl didn't seem so new anymore. Mouths widened including hers. As she realized that the attention would no longer be on her.

Sebastian was now the "new" kid. There goes those whispers again but they weren't about her anymore. She was so shocked, it was so unexpected. She was used to having all the attention on her that she forgot how it felt not to have any at all.

Monday, November 16, 2009

HW 23


I think that cool is an image that people want to project. Everyone wants to be/ appear cool to the outside world. "Cool" is an expression that people use to describe something that they like,think is unique, is popular.To consider something cool means it's a good thing.Being "cool" matters to people because people fear what others think about them. The movies we watch, music we listen to, magazines we read, fashion,people we hangout with, etc. all have an effect on our perspective of "cool". But who's to say what is cool and what isn't?

Cool makes me think of conformity because everyone is so stuck on trying to fit in and being socially accepted by others. We care about our image. People follow what is cool or a person that is cool.It's almost like everyone puts on a mask to appear like something they are not. People want to be popular and well liked by the people around them. Even if that means we conform ourselves into becoming someone we might not truly be, just so that we can have the title of "cool".

Is being cool really a good thing ? It doesn't seem that way, it's almost like your selling apart of yourself so that you can be "cool" in the eye's of others and you can be high up on the social hierarchy. But after a while I think people's level of coolness starts to fade because then people have found someone new who's cooler . It might be fun and all good while it lasts but once it's gone people might realize that being cool might not have been that great of a thing after all.

Cool comes and goes just like the latest trends. So should it matter?

Saturday, November 14, 2009

HW 21

I think that my piece of art would be considered a mirror because it will allow one to reflect on how digital technology is affecting them. I titled the piece "Milk Our Brains" because I believe that we allow ourselves to become addicted to digital technology which in return is making us less intelligent individuals. We spend so much time watching TV, listening to our ipods or web browsing when we could be doing other things. Like playing a sport, reading or actually having a face-to-face conversation with someone. But instead we let it take over our lives. We let it milk our minds a bit every day. I drew a robot like figure because it seems like every time we use these digital devices like an ipod , the TV or the computer we become disembodied and so engrossed in what we are doing. These devices can be used as escape from reality. Every time we use digital technology our brains get milked. Which some believe is making us more stupid compared to other generations.

I think that my art inspires me to think about how much time I spend using digital technology and how it benefits or doesn't benefit me? " Milk Our Brains" makes me feel like I should seriously think about cutting down on the time I spend each day in front of my computer screen. We all should. Before are brains become completely empty.

I wasn't too excited about doing an art project because I'm not a very great artist... but the process of creating the piece was interesting.Developing my idea for the piece was a bit challenging because I didn't know what I was going to do. But once I got the idea it was just a matter of getting the idea to reflect the message through the piece.

HW 19

POV: 4
EV: 2.5
EO: 3.5
OPV: Still need to add
GRADE: 16 - Based on what you have so far. We already discussed what you should fix.


SIG & CON: need to add
OPV: need to add
OVERALL: 13/24 based on what you have for the rough draft.

You're draft is good so far it just needs more evidence.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Final Draft


INTRODUCTION: Think about all the time you spend either watching TV, surfing the web, listening to the radio, reading magazines/newspapers …etc. Now think about how many advertisements you brain is bombarded with every time. The goal of digital corporate media is to get you (the consumer) to buy what they want you to buy. This is all the advertisements they throw at you. One of the fastest ways that will allow them to do so is in digital form. Since our society has become so digitally obsessed it seems like the perfect way for corporate companies to get you to buy their products. By doing so our society is not only becoming “corporate puppets” but we are all turning into what the media tells us to become. We are becoming so fixated and focused on all the materialistic things they tell us we need and should buy. Digital corporate media is brainwashing people while turning them into conformist consumers.

ARGUMENT#1: Advertising is a way for retailers to get all those who use various forms of digital media to buy and make aware of their goods. They place their ads in various styles on the web pages and media screens we watch and visit in banner, pop-ups, commercials, etc. “Media had an impact on 80% of the awareness phase of the funnel (a continuum that tracks a consumer from when he first becomes aware of a product through his actual purchase) and declined to 53% at the transaction phase. Two consistently strong contributors in most categories and purchase funnel phases are television and the Internet”( Ad’s that appear on the television screen every time you watch TV about the movies you should go see to the home and kitchen appliances you need to make lives easier to the ad links that appear on the sides the websites you visit everyday influences the purchases as a consumer you make every day. Whether we choose to acknowledge it or not technology is powerful. If it can have the ability to influence consumer purchasing then imagine what else it can do.

We as people all have wants and needs. Digital corporate media just tells us what those wants and needs should be through their multiple advertisements. “Advertisers are insisting that not only is their ad served, but the user is engaged on that page and are going to see their ad. This is moving the business from buying space to actually buying time.”( Part of the plan to reach out to consumers in order to sell their products is through multiple forms of digital media. Since we are surrounded by digital media on a daily basis, promoting their products this way will keep us surrounded by them as well. Advertising affects how and what we as consumers choose to buy. The more ads we see, the more money corporate companies make because eventually we will want to buy whatever it is they are trying to sell us.

One way for companies to attract buyers is getting them to purchase items online, thanks to their ads. Also know as online shopping. By getting consumers (us) to visit their store virtually, whether that is through the pop-up ads or the ones that show up on the
websites to visit their online store to start purchasing. “The current technology also allows sellers to track customers€™ product preferences, with their permission, and alert these customers of new products they may be waiting for or could be interested in.”( By placing their Ads online allow retailers to get a better picture of their consumers so that they know what to sell to them in order for them to buy their goods based on the consumer’s preferences for when you are actually ready to make a purchase. Using the internet as a tool allows companies to target consumers to get them to buy their products. Having consumers shop online benefit the companies because it allows their customers to shop online 24/7, no matter where they are.

ARGUMENT # 2: The more time we spend using digital technology the more we are told what to buy, what to look like, what music to listen to and so much more. The movie Josie and the Pussycats is just about that. The movie is set in a time where the record industries and the US government have been working together to drive the national economy by deciding to insert subliminal messages into music so that they can brainwash the people who listen to it, so that they do nothing but buy whatever they want them to. One of the hidden subliminal messages in a song is “Conform! Free thinking is overrated! There is no Area 51!”. By planting these messages in the songs they are selling and getting the teenagers around the country to listen to, opens the door for the government and the record labels to entice them to purchase and believe whatever the song is telling them to. With everyone listening to the same music makes the people conform because everyone is losing their ability to think for themselves since they are becoming brainwashed. They are losing their individuality due to the corporate media making them into their little puppets. Soon everyone starts to look like each other and everyone begins to chase a new trend every week as directed by the messages in the songs. Therefore the nation’s purchasing habits will be controlled by the government which as a result will make them a lot of money.

In the book Feed even though is set in the future is an allegory about today’s society. All the characters have feeds (digital technology) implanted in their brains and have companies bombarding their heads with the latest in everything on the market. They have absolutely no control over the contents of the feed. Making it easier for the corporate companies to advertise stuff to them and “feed off” them which forces them to buy, buy, buy. “According to the feed, they were on sale for like $699 at the Zone, and could be shipped to the hotel for an additional $78.95, and that was just one great thing that people were wearing.” The teens in the book buy things according to what their feeds tell them is the latest trend. What everyone else is wearing is what everyone buys. The latest trends matter to them because it’s important to them to be cool. The companies advertise things on their feeds for that exact reason. They know that the teens will want to buy whatever they are trying to sell if everyone wants it and buys it. Their wants are a result of all the advertisements the feed is throwing at them.

OPV: Some might argue that media advertising is good for the economy because ads influence consumer purchase decisions. “Advertising in a down economy is even more important than advertising during the good times,”.( that advertising is important for the success of the company and the economy because ads generate interest and then lead consumers to purchase the goods which betters the economy. The economy feeds off of consumers. This can be bad because advertising raises a products cost. Corporations just want to increase their profits which make products in return more expensive.

OPV: Others also would argue that advertising is good because it brings attention to products that could potentially better a consumer's life by satisfying a need. It has become easier for consumers to buy things because of all the ads out there. Leading advertising to promote materialism, advertising cause’s excessive consumerism because consumers unnecessarily spend money on products they might not need. But because of the ads they are brainwashed with it becomes hard for them to decide what to buy and what not to buy.

CONNECTIONS: This connects to the boom of technology and its constant development .Making it easier for corporate companies to market their stuff. This way they will be able to advertise their goods and services a number of different ways reaching out to the masses. Digital corporate media has changed advertising due to the consumer information they receive over the internet. This enables them to customize their ads toward a specific audience through the web and other forms of digital technology. The constant advancement and changes in technology will lead companies to continue to spread their messages and market their goods from anywhere an ad can be placed.

Digital corporate media manipulates and brainwashes people of all ages and economic backgrounds through their media advertising and turn their audience into conformist consumers due the influence their ads have on the things people buy and are interested in. These corporate companies target everyone and digital technology has just made it that much easier for them. As long as the masses see their products and want their products the more brainwashed they become in wanting to have and buy the product because of its popularity.

Work Cited
Anderson, M.T. Feed. 1st. 1. Candlewick, 2002. 240. Print.

Bram, Thursday. "Online Advertising Moving to TV Model." Digitalmediabuzz (2009): 1. Web. 5 Nov 2009. .

Lafayette, Jon. "Study Shows TV’s Impact on Consumer Purchasing Behavior." TVweek 1. Web. 5 Nov 2009.<>.

LeClaire, Jennifer. "Benefits of Advertising in Any Economy." Signindustry 1. Web. 5 Nov 2009.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Revised Rough Draft

Think about all the time you spend either watching TV, surfing the web, listening to the radio, reading magazines/newspapers …etc. Now think about how many advertisements you brain is bombarded with every time. The goal of digital corporate media is to get you (the consumer) to buy what they want you to buy. This is all the advertisements they throw at you. One of the fastest ways that will allow them to do so is in digital form. Since our society has become so digitally obsessed it seems like the perfect way for corporate companies to get you to buy their products. By doing so our society is not only becoming “corporate puppets” but we are all turning into what the media tells us to become. We are becoming so fixated and focused on all the materialistic things they tell us we need and should buy. Digital corporate media is brainwashing people while turning them into conformist consumers.

Advertising is a way for retailers to get all those who use various forms of digital media to buy and make aware of their goods. They place their ads in various styles on the web pages and media screens we watch and visit in banner, pop-ups, commercials, etc. “Media had an impact on 80% of the awareness phase of the funnel (a continuum that tracks a consumer from when he first becomes aware of a product through his actual purchase) and declined to 53% at the transaction phase. Two consistently strong contributors in most categories and purchase funnel phases are television and the Internet”( Ad’s that appear on the television screen every time you watch TV about the movies you should go see to the home and kitchen appliances you need to make lives easier to the ad links that appear on the sides the websites you visit everyday influences the purchases as a consumer you make every day. Whether we choose to acknowledge it or not technology is powerful. If it can have the ability to influence consumer purchasing then imagine what else it can do.

We as people all have wants and needs. Digital corporate media just tells us what those wants and needs should be through their multiple advertisements. “Advertisers are insisting that not only is their ad served, but the user is engaged on that page and are going to see their ad. This is moving the business from buying space to actually buying time.”( Part of the plan to reach out to consumers in order to sell their products is through multiple forms of digital media. Since we are surrounded by digital media on a daily basis, promoting their products this way will keep us surrounded by them as well. Advertising affects how and what we as consumers choose to buy. The more ads we see, the more money corporate companies make because eventually we will want to buy whatever it is they are trying to sell us.

One way for companies to attract buyers is getting them to purchase items online, thanks to their ads. Also know as online shopping. By getting consumers (us) to visit their store virtually, whether that is through the pop-up ads or the ones that show up on the
websites to visit their online store to start purchasing . “The current technology also allows sellers to track customers€™ product preferences, with their permission, and alert these customers of new products they may be waiting for or could be interested in.”( By placing their Ads online allow retailers to get a better picture of their consumers so that they know what to sell to them in order for them to buy their goods based on the consumers preferences for when you are actually ready to make a purchase. Using the internet as a tool allows companies to target consumers to get them to buy their products. Having consumers shop online benefit the companies because it allows their customers to shop online 24/7, no matter where they are.

The more time we spend using digital technology the more we are told what to buy, what to look like, what music to listen to and so much more. The movie Josie and the Pussycats is just about that. The movie is set in a time where the record industries and the US government have been working together to drive the national economy by deciding to insert subliminal messages into music so that they can brainwash the people who listen to it, so that they do nothing but buy whatever they want them to. One of the hidden subliminal messages in a song is “Conform! Free thinking is overrated! There is no Area 51!”. By planting these messages in the songs they are selling and getting the teenagers around the country to listen to, opens the door for the government and the record labels to entice them to purchase and believe whatever the song is telling them to. With everyone listening to the same music makes the people conform because everyone is losing their ability to think for themselves since they are becoming brainwashed. They are losing their individuality due to the corporate media making them into their little puppets. Soon everyone starts to look like each other and everyone begins to chase a new trend every week as directed by the messages in the songs. Therefore the nation’s purchasing habits will be controlled by the government which as a result will make them a lot of money.

In the book Feed even though is set in the future is an allegory about today’s society. All the characters have feeds (digital technology) implanted in their brains and have companies bombarding their heads with the latest in everything on the market. They have absolutely no control over the contents of the feed. Making it easier for the corporate companies to advertise stuff to them and “feed off” them which forces them to buy , buy, buy.“ According to the feed, they were on sale for like $699 at the Zone, and could be shipped to the hotel for an additional $78.95, and that was just one great thing that people were wearing.” The teens in the book buy things according to what their feeds tell them is the latest trend. What everyone else is wearing is what everyone buys. The latest trends matter to them because it’s important to them to be cool. The companies advertise things on their feeds for that exact reason. They know that the teens will want to buy whatever they are trying to sell if everyone wants it and buys it. Their wants are a result of all the advertisements the feed is throwing at them.

Some might argue that media advertising is good for the economy because ads influence consumer purchase decisions. “Advertising in a down economy is even more important than advertising during the good times,”.( that advertising is important for the success of the company and the economy because ads generate interest and then lead consumers to purchase the goods which betters the economy. The economy feeds off of consumers. This can be bad because advertising raises a products cost. Corporations just want to increase their profits which make products in return more expensive.

Others also would argue that advertising is good because it brings attention to products that could potentially better a consumer's life by satisfying a need. But advertising also promotes materialism. It causes excessive consumerism because consumers unnecessarily spend money on products they might not need. But because of the ads they are brainwashed with it becomes hard for them to decide what to buy and what not to buy.

This connects with the boom of technology and its constant development .Making it easier for corporate companies to market their stuff. This way they will be able to advertise their goods and services a number of different ways reaching out to the masses. Digital corporate media has changed advertising due to the consumer information they receive over the internet. Therefore enabling them to customize their ads toward a specific audience through the web and other forms of digital technology. The constant advancement and changes in technology will lead companies to continue to spread their messages and market their goods from anywhere an ad can be placed.

Digital corporate media shows how people get manipulated and brainwashed by media advertising and turn their audience into conformist consumers due the influence their ads have on their brains. . The corporate companies get you to purchase their products. The manipulation digital media advertising has over the masses results in corporate gain.

Work Cited
Anderson, M.T. Feed. 1st. 1. Candlewick, 2002. 240. Print.

Bram, Thursday. "Online Advertising Moving to TV Model." Digitalmediabuzz (2009): 1. Web. 5 Nov 2009. .

Lafayette, Jon. "Study Shows TV’s Impact on Consumer Purchasing Behavior." TVweek 1. Web. 5 Nov 2009.<>.

LeClaire, Jennifer. "Benefits of Advertising in Any Economy." Signindustry 1. Web. 5 Nov 2009. .

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

HW 19

Hey Sam,

I like how the paper flows really well so far. It seems like you will have no problem proving your thesis. I think it's good that you used a quote from class and parts of your previous blog posts. You also used your own personal experience with this topic.You stated some of the pos and negatives of digital media and how it is effecting our society. I'm sure that the rest of the paper will include more quotes and go even more in depth.


I like the direction your paper is going in. I think that the evidence you still need to add will make your arguments even stronger.I think that maybe you should add a little introduction so that your thesis doesn't just hang there. I also think that you should check for minor errors like grammar to make sure that the sentences make sense when you read them out loud. Besides that I liked it so far.

HW 18 -Rough Draft

Think about all the time you spend either watching TV, surfing the web, listening to the radio, reading magazines/newspapers …etc. Now think about how many advertisements you brain is bombarded with every time. The goal of digital corporate media is to get you (the consumer) to buy what they want you to buy. This is all the advertisements they throw at you. One of the fastest ways that will allow them to do so is in digital form. Since our society has become so digitally obsessed it seems like the perfect way for corporate companies to get you to buy their
products. By doing so our society is not only becoming “corporate puppets” but we are all turning into what the media tells us to become. We are becoming so fixated and focused on all the materialistic things they tell us we need and should buy. Digital corporate media is brainwashing people while turning them into conformist consumers.

Advertising is a way for retailers to get all those who use various forms of digital media to buy and make aware of their goods. They place their ads in various styles on the web pages and media screens we watch and visit in banner, pop-ups, commercials, etc. “Media had an impact on 80% of the awareness phase of the funnel (a continuum that tracks a consumer from when he first becomes aware of a product through his actual purchase) and declined to 53% at the transaction phase. Two consistently strong contributors in most categories and purchase funnel phases are television and the Internet”( Ad’s that appear on the television screen every time you watch TV about the movies you should go see to the home and kitchen appliances you need to make lives easier to the ad links that appear on the sides the websites you visit everyday influences the purchases as a consumer you make
every day. Whether we choose to acknowledge it or not technology is powerful. If it
can have the ability to influence consumer purchasing then imagine what else it can do.

We as people all have wants and needs. Digital corporate media just tells us what those wants and needs should be through their multiple advertisements. “Advertisers are insisting that not only is their ad served, but the user is engaged on that page and are going to see their ad. This is moving the business from buying space to actually buyingtime.”( Part of the plan to reach out to consumers in order to sell their products is through multiple forms of digital media. Since we are surrounded by
digital media on a daily basis, promoting their products this way will keep us surrounded by them as well. Advertising affects how and what we as consumers choose to buy. The more ads we see, the more money corporate companies make because eventually we will want to buy whatever it is they are trying to sell us.

One way for companies to attract buyers is getting them to purchase items online,
thanks to their ads. Also know as online shopping. By getting consumers (you) to visit their store virtually, whether that is through the pop-up ads or the ones that show up on the websites to visit their online store to start purchasing . “The current technology also allows sellers to track customers€™ product preferences, with their permission, and alert these customers of new products they may be waiting for or could be interested in.”( By placing their Ads online allow retailers to get a better picture of their consumers so that they know what to sell to them in order for them to buy their goods based on the consumers preferences for when you are actually ready to make a purchase. Using the internet as a tool allows companies to target consumers to get them to buy their products. Having consumers shop
online benefit the companies because it allows their customers to shop online 24/7, no matter where they are.

HW 17


I like your thesis. I think it's great! You clearly state your point and I know exactly what your paper is going to be about from reading it. I also think that the evidence you are deciding to use with help prove your arguments. I think it's helpful that you have various sources to refer to.


I think your thesis is much better now especially after you changed it. I think that the sources/evidence you will be using will help you to write this paper. For the second argument you could also use Feed as a source for evidence. There are a couple of parts in the book where it shows how the character conform due to their feeds.

Monday, November 2, 2009

HW 16

Thesis: Digital corporate media is brainwashing us while turning us into conformist consumers.

Argument 1: How the internet,TV and advertisements influence what we buy. Turn us into corporate puppets. Feed.

Argument 2: Conformity: The control digitalization has on conformity and how fast it happens.

Argument 3: Superficiality: How our society is becoming superficial due to digitalization.
