Wednesday, November 4, 2009

HW 18 -Rough Draft

Think about all the time you spend either watching TV, surfing the web, listening to the radio, reading magazines/newspapers …etc. Now think about how many advertisements you brain is bombarded with every time. The goal of digital corporate media is to get you (the consumer) to buy what they want you to buy. This is all the advertisements they throw at you. One of the fastest ways that will allow them to do so is in digital form. Since our society has become so digitally obsessed it seems like the perfect way for corporate companies to get you to buy their
products. By doing so our society is not only becoming “corporate puppets” but we are all turning into what the media tells us to become. We are becoming so fixated and focused on all the materialistic things they tell us we need and should buy. Digital corporate media is brainwashing people while turning them into conformist consumers.

Advertising is a way for retailers to get all those who use various forms of digital media to buy and make aware of their goods. They place their ads in various styles on the web pages and media screens we watch and visit in banner, pop-ups, commercials, etc. “Media had an impact on 80% of the awareness phase of the funnel (a continuum that tracks a consumer from when he first becomes aware of a product through his actual purchase) and declined to 53% at the transaction phase. Two consistently strong contributors in most categories and purchase funnel phases are television and the Internet”( Ad’s that appear on the television screen every time you watch TV about the movies you should go see to the home and kitchen appliances you need to make lives easier to the ad links that appear on the sides the websites you visit everyday influences the purchases as a consumer you make
every day. Whether we choose to acknowledge it or not technology is powerful. If it
can have the ability to influence consumer purchasing then imagine what else it can do.

We as people all have wants and needs. Digital corporate media just tells us what those wants and needs should be through their multiple advertisements. “Advertisers are insisting that not only is their ad served, but the user is engaged on that page and are going to see their ad. This is moving the business from buying space to actually buyingtime.”( Part of the plan to reach out to consumers in order to sell their products is through multiple forms of digital media. Since we are surrounded by
digital media on a daily basis, promoting their products this way will keep us surrounded by them as well. Advertising affects how and what we as consumers choose to buy. The more ads we see, the more money corporate companies make because eventually we will want to buy whatever it is they are trying to sell us.

One way for companies to attract buyers is getting them to purchase items online,
thanks to their ads. Also know as online shopping. By getting consumers (you) to visit their store virtually, whether that is through the pop-up ads or the ones that show up on the websites to visit their online store to start purchasing . “The current technology also allows sellers to track customers€™ product preferences, with their permission, and alert these customers of new products they may be waiting for or could be interested in.”( By placing their Ads online allow retailers to get a better picture of their consumers so that they know what to sell to them in order for them to buy their goods based on the consumers preferences for when you are actually ready to make a purchase. Using the internet as a tool allows companies to target consumers to get them to buy their products. Having consumers shop
online benefit the companies because it allows their customers to shop online 24/7, no matter where they are.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. arche,

    Really like all your ideas and evidence to back up your thesis. Like the way you show negative aspects of ads so maybe for your OPV you could talk about the postive aspects of ads,or of online shopping. You need to continue to write about the rest of your arguments because so far wrote about 1st argument rite? but other than that you have a good start hope get a chance to read your paper

  3. I like your paper it is real good. You talk about things that when people read it they will understand what you re talking about.
