Monday, November 16, 2009

HW 23


I think that cool is an image that people want to project. Everyone wants to be/ appear cool to the outside world. "Cool" is an expression that people use to describe something that they like,think is unique, is popular.To consider something cool means it's a good thing.Being "cool" matters to people because people fear what others think about them. The movies we watch, music we listen to, magazines we read, fashion,people we hangout with, etc. all have an effect on our perspective of "cool". But who's to say what is cool and what isn't?

Cool makes me think of conformity because everyone is so stuck on trying to fit in and being socially accepted by others. We care about our image. People follow what is cool or a person that is cool.It's almost like everyone puts on a mask to appear like something they are not. People want to be popular and well liked by the people around them. Even if that means we conform ourselves into becoming someone we might not truly be, just so that we can have the title of "cool".

Is being cool really a good thing ? It doesn't seem that way, it's almost like your selling apart of yourself so that you can be "cool" in the eye's of others and you can be high up on the social hierarchy. But after a while I think people's level of coolness starts to fade because then people have found someone new who's cooler . It might be fun and all good while it lasts but once it's gone people might realize that being cool might not have been that great of a thing after all.

Cool comes and goes just like the latest trends. So should it matter?

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