Thursday, November 19, 2009

HW 24

Walking down the halls on another typical boring day of school. She was stopped by her assistant principle to help out a new student who just arrived that morning. She was pretty bummed that she had to be a tour guide but when this student stepped out of the office her eyes widened. She was like no other student who went to the school. This new girl was so different and seemed so intriguing. She looked like she just stepped out of a magazine with her appealing looks.

As she walked down the halls to show the "new" girl around, whispers were all they could hear and eyes were all they could see. Everyone stopped what they were doing to get a good look at the "new" girl. The look on the new girls face was as if she were used to this type of reaction from people. She had on the trendiest clothes. Girls began to take mental notes of what she was wearing. The guys were going gaga over her. From head to toe she stunned everyone. As she made her way down the halls, she listened to the whispers- " Look at what she's wearing, it's crazy but I like it!,"Wow,sunglasses and purple hair " "Usually no one would wear something like that but she pulls it off so well!",

As she looked around the classroom the next day she realized that everyone was wearing a replica of the sunglasses she had on the day before. She smiled to her self because that's exactly what she wanted. Until the door of the classroom swung open. In walked a kid named Sebastian, the loud class suddenly became quite as multiple hands reached toward there faces pulling the sunglasses off their faces. The "new" girl didn't seem so new anymore. Mouths widened including hers. As she realized that the attention would no longer be on her.

Sebastian was now the "new" kid. There goes those whispers again but they weren't about her anymore. She was so shocked, it was so unexpected. She was used to having all the attention on her that she forgot how it felt not to have any at all.


  1. Larche,

    I really like the reactions those around had the "cool" kid and your style of writing was creative NICE JOB :)

  2. Larche,
    I LOVED your story. It was well written. I can tell that everyone thought what the "new" girl wore was cool because she was different than the others but could still pull it off. I liked how you changed the end and showed how so quickly things can change and the newest thing is cooler. Like how the girl was new then Sebastian came and now hes new and cool. Overall GREAT story! :)

  3. I like how the new girl was something big in your story. How the kids notice everything she did. I like how she was use to everyone looking at her and wanting to be her. How when she came to school the next day that everyone looked like her and was trying to be her. She was the cool kid that knew she was cool and had to have everyone know it to.

  4. I like how you have 2 “cool” characters in your story. Your first character is “cool” because she is setting off new trends, she stands out for this. Later on she is over shadowed by someone else that is “cooler” than her.

  5. GREAT JOB LArche
    this was a cool story because it seems pretty realistic. Both characters fit a similar definition of cool. Like amber said one overshadows the other.

  6. Dear Larche,
    I really enjoyed your story! I really liked the quote “She looked like she just stepped out of a magazine with her appealing looks. ", it reminded me of when we wrote what "cool" actually means . I wrote about how what we think is cool is heavily influenced through the media and I used magazines that shows what's "in" or "out" as an example, I can just picture your character looking through a magazine foe “cool” looks. I also like how you really explained what made her cool. Her clothing is "crazy" and unique, she has different hair and glasses, and she is exceedingly confidant because of all the attention she is drawing from her peers. There's not much I didn't like, it was a great story all around. Also your character sounds really interesting looking, very creative :)
