Monday, November 23, 2009

Hw 25


I liked how your story demonstrated how Eric's perception of what "cool" was changed and it showed in his actions . In the end he realized that being "cool" maybe wasn't what he wanted.


I enjoyed reading your story. It sounds like the "cool" kid didn't even know he was cool. It was more of how the others around him viewed him. He was more about doing his own thing than paying attention to others or what they thought.


I liked your story, I agree the name of your character is funny. Your story was very straightforward about how this kid wanted to be accepted by his social group but that meant that he had to alter a little bit of himself in order to fit in with them.


I like how in the end everyone wanted to be like Harmony because in their minds she was seen as "cool". Her rebellion made her seem like she was cool because no one else had the guts to do what she did. She was seen as different.


I thought your story was great! and really well written. The characters in the book clearly have different views of what it means to be cool. It showed that being cool might not mean anything. That all that being cool gets you is lost and confused when it comes to knowing who you and what you want out of life .

After reading the five stories above I noticed that most of the characters wanted to be socially accepted by others. They all wanted to fit in. In Sam's story the main character switched up his style. In Amber and Michelle's story the characters were kind of seen as rebellious and all about doing their own thing.I also noticed in Brandon and Matt's stories their characters views on what is cool or being cool changed in the end because they realized that maybe that's not what they wanted anymore or it wasn't going to benefit them in a good way. In each story the definition of "cool" was different.

I liked how some of the stories expressed how maybe being "cool" isn't so cool after all. How having the hottest clothes, lots of friends, or having and doing other things that would qualify you as being cool isn't so cool after all. Because being cool isn't everything it comes down to the person's character (Brandon's story)and finding out who you really are (Matt's story).

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